On November 29-30 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, a regional dialogue between state institutions and civil society on strengthening and exchanging good practices on drug treatment and prevention has been conducted with support of the EU-funded Central Asia Drug Action Programme (CADAP). The event gathered key Central Asian state authorities dealing with the drug reduction as well as non-governmental sector representatives.
The aim of this regional workshop was to discuss most recent trends and developments in drug scene, to enhance the role of civil society in drug demand reduction and support regional collaboration in terms of good practices sharing and implementation in the context of the drug use prevention and drug treatment.
Participants presented their countries experiences and learned European approaches and best practices on establishing cooperation mechanisms between state institutions and civil society in treatment of drug use disorders and prevention of drug use. New trends in drugs scene were presented to participants on the example of several countries and possible role of civil society in drug demand reduction has been discussed in working groups as well as analysis and suggestion of measures to include into the roadmap on strengthening national policy, monitoring, prevention and treatment.