The EU-funded Central Asia Drug Action Programme, 7th Phase (CADAP 7) in cooperation with
partners represented by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, CADCA (Public
Coalitions of America for the Prevention of Drug Abuse) and Public Foundation “Door-Eli” conducted
a Forum “Cooperation between the state and civil society in the field of primary prevention through
public coalitions”. Providing a platform for cooperation and exchange of experience, the event
gathered members of the Parliament, representatives from Ministry of Interior and its counter-drug
service, Ministry of Health and its Center of Psychiatry and Narcology, Сenter of Health and Mass
Communications, local administrations, NGOs and international organisations.
Main task of the Forum was to include into the public agenda the issue of primary prevention in
communities, to strengthen the role of state, municipal structures and civil society, in preventing the
use of psychoactive substances, especially among young people. Moreover, to share the experience
of already established public coalitions in the regions and outline plans for organizing new public
coalitions in Bishkek.
Welcoming the guests and participants of the Forum, the representative of the European Union
Cosimo Lamberti noted that the European Union has been supporting this direction for 20 years.
“Much has been done, but more remains to be done. The number of drug users is increasing, and the
types of drugs are changing. Here it is necessary not only to punish the guilty, but to work in all
directions, and especially in the field of primary prevention. To work together, hearing every voice
and every opinion,” he said.
According to Marlen Mamataliyev, Member of the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic, along with the
development of the legislative framework, the identification of causes and preventive work are of
great importance. “Parliament always supports such initiatives. If the proposals based on the results
of this forum are fixed in an official document, then, if necessary, we will hold a meeting of the
Parliament on this issue and give necessary tasks,” – he added.
The Forum was followed by a consultative meeting and a workshop, gathering experts on PS
(psychoactive substances) providing them a possibility to share with decision makers all challenges,
risks and consequences of PS use in communities, its impacts on human lives; to define priorities for
further actions and to draft a logical model for future social coalitions.