The creation and implementation of national and global/European Drug Information Systems involve
two primary activities: defining and harmonizing standard reporting packages, and enhancing national
data collection and reporting processes. The aim is to comprehensively depict the drug situation,
ensuring reliable, comparable information both nationally and from a global/European perspective.
Adherence to UNODC and EMCDDA data collection standards covering the key areas1 outlined in the
Lisbon Consensus2 and including five key drug epidemiology indicators (5 KIs)3, is crucial. National
coordinating centres in EMCDDA’s Reitox network (European Information Network on Drugs and Drug
Addiction) in Europe, by using a consistent set of key indicators, enable standardized and reliable
comparisons across countries, facilitating effective data collection.
In Europe, the EMCDDA’s Reitox network national focal points (NFPs) oversee collecting, analysing, and
disseminating national drug situation data. Annually, each country provides a reporting package,
including national reports, statistical tables, and structured questionnaires, based on agreed-upon
guidelines. This package, crucial for both national and international insights, consists of an extensive
national report and standardized data instruments. The NFPs’ key responsibility is to ensure these
reports are updated every year, maintaining the relevance and utility of the data at both national and
international levels