We continue the series of Technical Committees, next meeting from which has been conducted in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
Mr. Bozorali Safaralizoda, representative from Drug Control Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (DCA) expressed gratitude to EU for continuous support provided during current and previous phases of CADAP programme. It was mentioned that as the main Coordinating Agency DCA will implement planned activities for 2023 in close cooperation with the main international development partners, among which CADAP Programme is and added that for timely execution of the targeted goals immediate joint actions will be implemented in the upcoming months. Mr. Cosimo Lamberti, EU representative mentioned that EU will keep supporting partners from Tajikistan during implementation of the Work Plan of CADAP Programme and in line with activities indicated in the National Drug Control Strategy of Tajikistan for 2021-2030.
Special focus of the meeting was the CADAP support to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Population of Tajikistan in purchasing of ambulance car for the Narcology center in Kulob city. This special minibus equipped with necessary technology will be used in order to provide emergency first response and ensure timely transportation of drug users from Kulob city and neighbouring districts to the Center.
It should be noted that wide range of activities is planned for Tajikistan within CADAP7 – development of a roadmap on drug control, technical support to policy and partners, improving data collection, production and dissemination of targeted studies, technical support to toxicological laboratories, development of preventive programmes, development of treatment programmes in accordance with European standards.