

2016 Kyrgyzstan country report on drugs situation

This country report has been developed within DAMOS component (data collection) of CADAP 6

2015 Uzbekistan country report on drugs situation

This country report has been developed within DAMOS component (data collection) of CADAP 5

2015 Tajikistan country report on drugs situation

This country report has been developed within DAMOS component (data collection) of CADAP 5

2012 Uzbekistan country report on drugs situation

This country report has been developed within DAMOS component (data collection) of CADAP 5

2012 Tajikistan country report on drugs situation

This country report has been developed within DAMOS component (data collection) of CADAP 5

2012 Kyrgyzstan country report on drug situation

This country report was developed within DAMOS (Data collection) Component of CADAP 5

2013 Regional report on drug situation in Central Asia

This regional summary was prepared within DAMOS (Drug information system) Component of the CADAP 5 programme

European Drug Report 2021: Trends and Developments

The Trends and Developments report presents the EMCDDA’s latest analysis of the drug situation in Europe. Focusing on illicit drug use, related harms and drug...
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